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So far NavigationTrading has created 298 blog entries.

How To Trade A Short Naked Call

The Short Naked Call is a great strategy to trade in periods of High Implied Volatility, when your assumption is Neutral to Lower. In this video, we will walk you through how to: 1. Evaluate Implied Volatility 2. Find an underlying symbol to trade 3. Locate the correct strikes to trade 4. Analyze the trade 5. Place the trade

How To Trade A Short Naked Call2021-05-24T15:26:19+00:00

How To Trade A Short Naked Put

In this video, we will walk you through how to: 1. Evaluate Implied Volatility 2. Find an underlying symbol to trade 3. Locate the correct strikes to trade 4. Analyze the trade 5. Place the trade

How To Trade A Short Naked Put2021-05-24T15:32:44+00:00

How To Trade Short Strangles

In this video post, we will walk you through how to: 1. Evaluate Implied Volatility 2. Find an underlying symbol to trade 3. Locate the correct strikes to trade 4. Analyze the trade 5. Place the trade

How To Trade Short Strangles2021-05-24T15:37:39+00:00

How To Trade “Strangles” In Your IRA

Short Strangles are not eligible for trading in an IRA, due to the “undefined risk” of short naked calls. However, I’m going to teach you how to trade a “look a like strangle”, that will still give you the high probability of success of a normal strangle, but is still allowed within an IRA account.

How To Trade “Strangles” In Your IRA2021-05-24T15:40:32+00:00

Trading Options For Small Accounts

In this post, we will be discussing how to trade options for smaller accounts of $25,000 or less. Our goal is to give you the tools to maintain position sizing for your account and help you become successful and consistent traders.

Trading Options For Small Accounts2021-05-24T15:46:55+00:00

How To Trade A Broken Wing Butterfly

In this video, we’ll show you how to trade a Broken Butterfly. With reduced risk to one side, Broken Butterflies are an excellent tool when used trading directionally.

How To Trade A Broken Wing Butterfly2021-05-24T15:50:03+00:00
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