Credit Suisse quietly became the single largest holder of the very instrument it created, and by a huge amount. So, as 4pm EST came around, a bad day in XIV, but survivable, became the death knell, because the largest holder, the XIV’s custodian, panicked, and covered.
But, Credit Suisse could not very well just sell millions of shares of XIV in a thinly traded after hours session, so it turned to the VIX futures market.
It appears, as of this writing, that this has actually occurred. While Credit Suisse (the issuer of the ETN) has yet to comment, it appears that whatever this “flash crash” did, whatever margin calls were triggered after hours, the short vol trader was in fact the firm — it unwound positions in a size that the market has never seen before, and that means that it looks like XIV is possibly going to some very, very low number — like $0, low.
It’s with great regret that as of right now, we do believe XIV is, for all intents and purposes, gone, from a little rule hidden deep in the prospectus that no one gave much concern and that got blasted away when the top holder in the note was the custodian itself.
It’s a reminder that the real danger to a portfolio is not a bear market — we recover from those quite nicely as a nation — it’s the delirium that happens when a bull market gets totally out of control and margin is used excessively in a spurt of just a few days. And by margin, we don’t mean normal, everyday investors, we mean the institutions — even the ones we entrust to be custodians of our investments.
So that’s it. XIV likely would have done just fine after this moment in time in the market, will not be given that opportunity to recover. It has been blown out on the heels of yet another Wall Street debacle, which no one seems to even understand, yet.
The author is long shares of XIV in a family trust.
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