Why Inverse VIX ETFs Are Dangerous
Learn why Inverse VIX ETFs are dangerous. We’ll cover 6 different Inverse VIX ETF examples, the concerns behind those Inverse VIX ETFs, and your alternatives.
NavigationALERTS: Trade Results September 2018
September was another great month! We had 10 closed trades, all of which were winners. Total profit was $3,158. We utilized four different strategies in September. We traded quite a few Short Strangles, a couple Short Call Verticals, a Short Put Vertical, and an Iron Condor…
Robinhood Options Trading Review
Everyone knows the classic story of Robin Hood, right? Take from the rich and give to the poor… Well, with the brokerage firm known as Robinhood, this idea actually plays out. Unfortunately, not in the favor of the investor or trader.
Trading Short Strangles During A Market Crash
In this lesson, I want to talk to you about trading Short Strangles during a market crash. Many times newer traders have a fear of trading naked options. They think, “Oh my gosh, if 2008 happens again I could lose all of my money.” We completed an in-depth study to determine the outcome.
Why Index Funds Are Dangerous
We’ll discuss why index funds are extremely dangerous right now. For the purpose of this lesson, we’ll focus on the S&P 500 Index. It’s one of the most widely known indexes in the world.
How To Simulate Short Stock Using Options
In this tutorial, I want to discuss how to simulate short stock using options. There are a lot of stocks that you can just short outright, but there are also several reasons why you may want to use options to short the stock instead of just using stock outright.
Trading Iron Condors During A Market Crash
Iron Condors are one of the core strategies that we use at NavigationTrading and I get a lot of questions from members about how this strategy performs if the market crashes. To help answer this question, we did a pretty significant back tested study…
Short Strangle VS Iron Condor – Which Is Better?
Because they are very similar trades, many of our members want to know when to trade the Short Strangle, and when to trade the Iron Condor. That’s what I want to break down in this blog post. We’ll start with a little bit of a comparison, and then we’ll jump onto the the trading platform and show some actual examples…
NavigationALERTS: Trade Results August 2018
August was a record setting month! We had 18 closed trades, 17 of which were winners. Total profit was $5,835. We utilized six different strategies in August. We traded Short Strangles, Short Put Verticals, and a Calendar spread. We were in the thick of Earning Season, so we did some Pre-Earnings Long Calls, Pre-Earnings Long Straddles, and Post-Earnings Short Put Verticals…
ALL-NEW Tool: The NavigationTradeTracker
The goal of the NavigationTradeTracker is to help you track your adjusted trades. After you’ve done some adjustments and rolls, sometimes it can be overwhelming because trade platforms like thinkorswim and tastyworks don’t track your trades after the portion of them have been closed. That’s what this tool is here to help you do!
NavigationALERTS: July 2018 Trade Results
July 2018 was another great month of trading for our Pro Members! We had 16 closed trades, 15 of which were winners. Total profit was $4,182.75. We traded eight different strategies in July. Strategies included: Short Strangles, Iron Condors, Long Calls, Short Put Verticals, Pre-Earnings Long Calls, Pre-Earnings Long Straddles, Post-Earnings Short Put Verticals, and Post-Earnings Short Strangles…
NavigationALERTS: June 2018 Trade Results
June 2018 was another great month of trading for our Pro Members! We had 9 closed trades, all of which were winners. Total profit was just over $2,400. We traded five different strategies in June. We did Short Strangles, Iron Condors, a Short Put Vertical, and a couple of Earnings related trades…
NavigationALERTS: May 2018 Trade Results
May was another great month! We closed 16 trades with 14 winners. Our total profit was over $4600, making it our largest profit amount since we started posting our performance.
NavigationALERTS: Trade Results April 2018
April was another great month! We closed 13 trades with 12 winners. A combined profit of over $3,000!
How To Adjust A Loser Into Profit – Short Strangle Adjustments
Through the power of the strategy we’ll show you in this video, we were able to take a big losing trade and turn it into a profitable trade.