30 MILLION Jobless Claims in 6 Weeks! [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
30 MILLION Jobless claims in 6 weeks!
Post Earnings Trade in Facebook
How to determine Risk VS Reward when closing a trade
Earnings After the Bell in TSLA, FB, EBAY & MSFT [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Earnings after the bell in TSLA, FB, EBAY & MSFT
What happened to the price of USO?
How long will the stimulus band-aid last?
What is Put-Call Parity? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
What is Put-Call Parity?
Getting short FXI
TSLA, GOOG & MSFT announce earnings tomorrow
What is a “Volatility Crush”? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
What is a "Volatility Crush"?
TSLA continues to amaze!
Earnings this week - Big Oil, Big Airlines, Big Tech
Margin VS Buying Power: What’s the difference?
In this lesson, we’ll discuss the difference between margin vs. buying power, specifically as it relates to trading options. For full details, read more!
Restricted Trading in Oil [TradeHacker Update]
Here’s what we’ll cover in today’s update:
Restricted Trading in Oil
NFLX Earnings
Short Call Dividend Risk
Does tastytrade Offer Paper Trading?
In this post, we’ll answer the question: “Does tastyworks offer paper trading?” We get this question quite a bit, so we wanted to address it in a video. For full details, read more!
Negative Oil Prices? [TradeHacker Update]
Here’s what we’ll cover in today’s update:
Negative Oil Prices?
NFLX Earnings
How to set the “Wing Width” of an Iron Condor
How is an Option’s Delta Calculated? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
How is an option's Delta calculated?
ROKU thinks they are the best
Adding a Weekly Double Calendar in SPX
Implied Volatility Rank Vs. Implied Volatility Percentile – 2020 Update
In this post, we’ll cover the difference between Implied Volatility Rank and Implied Volatility Percentile using our IV Indicator and some platform examples.
What’s the Difference Between SPX & SPY? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
What's the difference between SPX and SPY?
Here come the airline earnings
Bank earnings pretty mixed
Big Banks Announce Earnings [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Big banks announce earnings
How is the value of an option calculated?
Stocks go higher...Oil goes lower
How Does the Recent Jobless Claims Compare to Other Recessions? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
How does the recent jobless claims compare to other recessions?
What does "long volatility" mean?
OPEC Oil Agreement
Don’t Get Sucked In By The Stimulus! [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Don't get sucked in by the stimulus!
Adding more shorts to our portfolio
How do I stay patient when trading options?
Is This Short Term Rally Over? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Is this short term rally over?
Will I get paid dividends when I trade options?
Big reversal in stocks