Volatility is BACK! [TradeHacker Update]
Check out today's TradeHacker update! Volatility is BACK!
New trades in XLK, RH and SPX
Day Trading profits $1635.50 [...]
NKLA up 40% [TradeHacker Update]
Check out today's TradeHacker update!
NKLA up 40%
TSLA down 20%
Booking profits Day Trading
NavigationALERTS & DayTrading Results August 2020
August was a great month for DayTrading. Booked a profit of over $8,000. For full details, read more!
Here comes the CRASH? Or…just a little dip? [TradeHacker Update]
Check out today's TradeHacker update!
Here comes the CRASH? Or...just a little dip?
Tech darlings getting crushed
Earnings in DOCU and WORK
TSLA number 7 in the world! [TradeHacker Update]
Check out today's TradeHacker update!
TSLA number 7 in the world!
New Bunker Trade
VIX continues to expand
Stocks Up VIX Up [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Stocks up VIX up
Booking profits in Bonds
Adding some shorts to our portfolio
Iron Duck in AMZN [TradeHacker Update]
Check out today's TradeHacker update!
Iron Duck in AMZN
Mighty Ninety continues to book profits
Profiting with move lower in Bonds
Post Earnings Trade in TGT [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Post Earnings Trade in TGT
Ducks are quacking in TSLA and NVDA
Day Trades continue to crush!
TradingView Custom Indicators [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
TradingView custom indicators
Getting short Bonds
ThinkorSwim platform issues
Day Trading Class Tomorrow! [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Day Trading Class tomorrow!
ROKU Earnings tonight
Stocks & Precious Metal continue grinding higher
Are We Entering a “Death March” Higher? [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Are we entering a "death march" higher?
Earnings trades in BYND, DIS, TWLO
Disney - It's all about the PLUS
NavigationALERTS Trade Results July 2020
July was another profitable month for our Pro Members! We closed 18 trades … 15 of which were winners, making a total profit of $879. For full details, read more!
Tuesday Earnings Announcements [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Tuesday Earnings Announcements
Tech moving higher...Financials moving lower
Register for Day Trading class: Aug 6th @ 4pm
Today’s Earnings Iron Duck in AMZN [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Today's Earnings Iron Duck in AMZN
Earnings outcome in AMD, SHOP & SBUX
Day Trading Class registration
Post Earnings trades in AMD, SHOP & SBUX [TradeHacker Update]
Here's what we'll cover in today's update:
Post Earnings trades in AMD, SHOP & SBUX
Tomorrow's Earnings Announcements
Day Trading Options for Income Webclass